Coming Together to Fund a Transformed and Just Maternity Care System

pregnant black woman in red dress

Birth is a reproductive justice issue.

The U.S. healthcare system struggles to deliver respectful reproductive care to all birthing people, resulting in serious consequences in maternal and infant health outcomes, especially for BIPOC birthing people. Structural and institutional racism is the root cause of disparities in outcomes and experience in birth. Birth is a reproductive justice issue.

The numbers speak for themselves

10th of 10

The US ranks 10th among ten high income countries in maternal mortality, infant mortality, and cesarean rate. (1)


Black women are more than three times as likely and Native women more than twice as likely as white women die from a pregnancy related cause. (2)


Of pregnancy related deaths are considered preventable. (3)

1 in 6

Birthing people, regardless of race – experience mistreatment by health care providers during birth. (4)

(1) Maternity Care in the United States: We Can – and Must – Do Better, National Partnership for Women and Families, February 2020, p. 7; (2) Ibid., p. 8; (3) Ibid., p. 8; (4) Giving Voice to Mothers Study: Full Report and Executive Summary. Birth Place Lab, 2019, p. 6

midwife assisting black woman


young black mother and baby


midwife with pregnant black woman


Are you a funder (foundation, individual, corporate, government) interested in fixing the issue of disparities in birth outcomes in the U.S.?

Please contact us to find out how to become a member of the Midwifery Funders Group.

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